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Genesis and Genesis XL v1.7 are now in stock!
FarmBot Photo Contest Winners

FarmBot Photo Contest Winners

During January we hosted a photo contest on the community forum to find the best photos of FarmBot in 2020. Our two winners of $100 FarmBot shop gift cards are users @socalrob and @STEAM7. Check out their submissions below:

@socalrob: "My Farmbot is not changing the world like your impressive Nasa installation. However, I would think I’m like so many others that you’ve had an impact on…. You’ve made it so much fun to grow vegetables for my family with your amazing technology."

@STEAM7: "The FarmBot at Hanover Middle School is the centerpiece of the student greenhouse. “Agricultural Robotics” is now a key component of the 7th grade curriculum. This is a photo of the students’ first crop!"



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